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HNG cards (index cards of “Ishizuka Register of Chinese Character Standards of Writing”[石塚漢字字体資料]) No.62 (H46) 華嚴經卷二十(晉本高麗古版).
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HNG cards (index cards of “Ishizuka Register of Chinese Character Standards of Writing”[石塚漢字字体資料]) No.49 (H58) 成唯識論卷十(寛治二年刊本).
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HNG cards (index cards of “Ishizuka Register of Chinese Character Standards of Writing”[石塚漢字字体資料]) No.39 (H54) 大般若經卷二百五十(和銅經).
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HNG cards (index cards of “Ishizuka Register of Chinese Character Standards of Writing”[石塚漢字字体資料]) No.43 (H57) 金剛大教王經卷一(高山寺本).
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HNG cards (index cards of “Ishizuka Register of Chinese Character Standards of Writing”[石塚漢字字体資料]) No.37 (H74) 西夏版妙法蓮華經卷一.
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This is a dataset that describes the coordinates and character information of each glyph-image extracted from some full-text images published on the Internet using the IIIF API corresponding to the source of the HNG dataset.
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HNG cards (index cards of “Ishizuka Register of Chinese Character Standards of Writing”[石塚漢字字体資料]) No.51 (H68) 藥師功徳經.